Sunday, September 30, 2007

if only some things were that easy to wait for

Hello, hello! I just had Pizza Hut for dinner, but because I am SUCH A Bum on Sundays, me and my brother ordered in! =D I think I had too much sugar cos now I'm feeling super high! There are No Lessons tmr cos it's the start of Hell Week for students, otherwise known as You-Don't-Pass-You-Might-Get-Retained Exams, otherwise known officially as EOY Exams 2007. I am feeling HIGH because there's nothing like sugar and oily food and eating until you want to barf. For the record, I forgot to eat dinner yesterday and only slept at 3am because I was surfing YouTube for classical songs! So when I woke up bright and early at 12pm, I decided that I should just cook myself some instant mee to fill my stomach which wasn't hungry. Then I did loads of marking! Now I only have about one-third of Ex14.1+14.2+14.3 to finish marking.

You've heard of 'road rage', yes? Where you get so pissed off by other people's shitty driving that you get angry? Do you know that there's something called 'marking rage'? It is the condition where you get so pissed off by student's work that you want to tear it up and throw it back and them. But you cannot, cos it has to go into their files (which reminds me, I must get them to do their filing one day after exams), and so you write big angry words such as, "UNITS???? STATEMENTS, PLEASE."

I wanted to go queue for donuts to satisfy my insatiable appetite for oily food that will make me fat because I feel like bingeing (how to spell?), but MotoBabe went to bake cookies with her mother instead BAH! So this is why donuts was compensated by pizza so cheesy it's simply a sin. I am going to get so fat!!! Like I'm not fat enough. But training, training! Now that I don't have to do so much teaching anymore, I will go back to training!

(If you're feeling really bored, you can go count the number of exclamation marks in this entry! Including this one! And this one, too!)

It is such an indescrible feeling when you click click around the internet in your extreme boredom (or extreme kaypoh-ness, whichever you want to term it) and find something that you wish you didn't need to see. Let me put it in another way, it's something that you kinda knew already but you didn't really want to know for sure. Actually I don't know for sure yet, but it's really incriminating, and really (u) (oh, go type that on MSN) to see.

What to do when the holidays come??? I won't have the tedium of staying in school from 7am to 7pm to kill time. And then have exhausted sleep, and then rinse and repeat. How how how? It is So Boring to sit at home and do nothing, because there's no one around to say, "Eh let's go out." I used to have that, then I decided that I didn't want it anymore.

Actually, the whole point of this entry is just to kill time because I don't really want to go back to my marking and go into marking rage again. Actually, the other point of this entry is that after waiting for someone for months, and then finally realising people change faster than the weather, that there's really nothing to look foward to, or to wait for, at all. At the end, you only have yourself to depend on, and that's how I am going to live! What revelation!

I should go pick up something else to learn, because I have such an addictive nature I will just throw myself into it.

Aiyah I ran out of steam liao. I will blog about my birthday the next time. Got pictures, k! But not a lot, and I look fat in most, so even less pictures for show and tell. Haha!

I'll leave you with a piano concerto by Rachmaninoff. ("Oh, that Russian dood!" -MotoBabe)

Rachmaninoff - Piano Concerto No. 1, Moderato

Part Uno

Part Deux


zhi hung said...

hihi, im a NUS kendo junior, jack! Just wanna say u nice to meet u. and..."after waiting for someone for months, and then finally realising people change faster than the weather, that there's really nothing to look foward to, or to wait for, at all. At the end, you only have yourself to depend on, and that's how I am going to live!" do u really WANT to live that way? i saw ur slide show (absolutely love it!) and u seem very happy. are those people not worth living for that u must depend on urself? cheers :)

Anonymous said...

Loved the song ever since listening to it in nodame