Sunday, November 26, 2006

a lot of stuff.

The next house I buy, I will set aside one room with plenty and plenty of bookcases/shelves. Because I realised that I have way, way, WAY too many books. Not just fiction books or textbooks, but Notes. Lots and lots of Notes. And Files filled with Notes. I am a pack rat; I keep all notes that I think are useful, which are usually too many. For example, I have all my JC Mathematics and Biology notes. I also have my Sec 1 through 4 E. Maths textbooks, and two copies of the A. Math textbook. I also have all my maths tuition notes from Sec 3 to JC2. I also have six semesters worth of NUS notes.

Well, now. I thought this bookshelf that I bought would be enough, but it isn't, sadly so. So! Next house I buy will have one room specially for all my books/notes.

While packing, I also realised something horrifying. I always thought that I have very little clothes, as in, not a whole lot. But today as I was packing, I realised that I actually have a lot of clothes. A Lot. )= So much for thinking I'm low maintainence. I have always firmly believed that I don't have anything wear most of the time. I shall stop buying so many tops. I just bought a new one from Espirit some more.

Okay it's time to do more packing whee!


Anonymous said...

you are a hoarder. why on earth do you keep all those notes?!

i am the exact opposite. i throw away things unless they are electronic. it's all the memory and the heart anyway. =)

Alex said...

yeah, i kept all that stuff too!! All the maths modules stuff, sec and jc stuff. Getting more from my students in Dec cos' the syllabus has changed slightly :)
Maybe for sentimental values bah .. hee.

heartw|sh* said...

alex:- hahah no point keeping those notes!!! the syllabus is changing next year! the new batch of sec3s will be doing a new syllabus from this current batch.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you've kept them! I've burnt my sec school notes...I mean urm...recycled them.

Alex said...

REALLY? Oh man .. i need a refresher course soon !!

Anonymous said...

Maths I can understand. Why did you keep your bio notes?!

heartw|sh* said...

boon:- cos... i kinda liked my jc bio notes. anyway, my CS2 is bio, so just as well that i kept them. (=

Anonymous said...

Ah, that makes sense now. Oh well. Now I know that if I ever need JC maths notes, I can always look for Boss Stee!